Wednesday, September 3, 2008

We checked out another church on Sunday and decided definately it WAS NOT for us. Too traditional and it smelled funny. So we still like Central but are leaving ourselves open.

Mandy was here with three of her kids all weekend and I didn't realize how much I had missed her! We'll definately be seeing them at Thanksgiving, we just don't know if it will be here in Austin or down in Corpus Christi.

I had my first day of bible study last Thursday and am loving being back in the Word. We are studying the Sermon on the Mount for 10 weeks. I will miss two weeks of study during our vacation, so I am trying to get ahead. It's a LOT of work...

Hailey and I start AWANA tonight. I think we are both a bit nervous being in a new place with a bit of a different format.

We leave to go to Europe next Tuesday for 16 days, so I am feeling a bit of pressure to get things done around here and start getting things together for the trip. We are going to Paris, Florence and Venice, Italy and taking a seven day cruise around the Greek islands. The kids need a little more encouragement for the trip (they don't think it's going to be any fun). I've just gotten the pantry and fridge restocked after the move and now we are working on eating up what's in the fridge before the trip! Crazy... I can't guarantee I'll be blogging while we are gone. You may have to wait until I get home to hear all about it.



The Harrington Family said...

It was nice to hear your voice this morning...I had to remind myself that you were all the way in Texas and not in Tumwater :( Tell the kids that we'll gladly take their spots for the trip!! I know you'll all have fun :)


The Harrington Family said...

I try to avoid those funny smelly churches too.
