Saturday, August 9, 2008

Day 3 in Texas, First day of sanity

We have finally arrived! We've been here since Wednesday afternoon and have been busy finishing up the unpacking. We managed to get the garage half way done enough to park the van in it to discover that the van is too long to park in the space we have!

On our drive down from Olympia to Austin, which took 4 days, we crossed the 45th parallel (the halfway point between the North Pole and the Equator) and the Continental Divide (the midpoint between the northern part of the continent and the southern part of the continent). We drove through Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Texas. We saw two coyotes and one prairie dog run across the road in front of us and countless roadkill along the side of the road.

We stopped at Arches National Park in Utah and were all in awe at the beauty (including the two exhausted kids). We also stopped in Fort Sumner, New Mexico at the gravesite of Billy the Kid and the end of the Trail of Tears (do some history research to discover what that was if you don't know).

We will be exploring a new church tomorrow. The kids are not looking forward to that.

1 comment:

The Harrington Family said...

I am glad you made it there safely. You must be tired. Well the legacy of the Kales will live I was searching for supplies in CC and saw how well organized you made the cupboards...thank you. Also, thank you for the gift for Brayden.